EnglandHikes is a website for anyone that is looking for already planned long distance day hikes in the south of England (which are all around 10-25 mile long). The routes will have lots of points of interest and will
be scenic and worth the adventure!
The start and end points will generally be accessible by public transport (unless stated otherwise). A few hikes involve driving to the start point but you will be able to catch a bus/train back to your original start point!
Currently the website is limited to the hikes that I have already completed which so far are all in the South East of England. However, more hikes are planned in Kent, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Suffolk, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire (Cotswolds) and I will add them to the website as and when I complete them.
The plan is to eventually have routes all over England but for the time being this website will focus on southern England hiking.
Cheers! I hope you find this website useful.